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Setting up your teams

Updated on Jun 19, 2023

The teams feature allows you to group your employees into there teams / departments. The teams feature will integrate with future developments allowing you to manage people in bulk. You can also add additional administrators to your system and assign them tho manage a specific team.


To create. A team, please follow the below steps.

  1. Login to your enterprise portal
  2. Navigate to the 'Teams' tab
  3. Click ' Create new team'
  4. Give your team a title, ie Sales team
  5. Click 'Save'

To assign employees to a team, you can follow a couple of methods as below.

Option One

Assign employees freedom the teams page.

  1. From the teams tab, click 'assign employees' on the team you wish to add people to.
  2. Click the employees that are to be assigned to the selected team
  3. Once selected, the employee will turn green
  4. After you have selected the employees, click 'Save'


Option Two

Assign a team to multiple employees using the bulk action tool

  1. Navigate to the employee tab
  2. Select the employees your would like to assign to a team by clicking the selection box
  3. Once selected, click 'Bulk Action'
  4. then select ' Select Team'
  5. Then choose the team you wish to assign to.
  6. Finally, click 'Make changes'

Option Three

Assign a team to an employee on the employee profile page

  1. Navigate to the employee tab
  2. Select the employee you wish to change the team for, by clicking 'edit'
  3. Scroll to the 'team section' and select the team or new team
  4. Once the team has been selected click ' Save'