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Adding social links

Updated on Jun 19, 2023

With Kinect Enterprise, you can share your social media links with anyone you come in to contact with. This is great to build on your social following, aswell as share several social media profiles at once, without searching each time.

With Kinect Enterprise, you can share the following social media platforms;

  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Pinterst
  • Tiktok
  • Youtube

To add Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok & Youtube links to your business cards for your team, follow the below steps;

  1. Head the the locations tab
  2. On the location you wish to add social media links to, click 'Edit'
  3. From the location page, scroll down to the social media sections.
  4. Each social media handle is prepopulated with the social site ie, You just need to enter your page information.

For example, if your facebook page is you would only input kinectcard in the field.

Once you have input your social links, click 'Save' at the bottom of the location page to save your changes. Once saved, every employee that is assigned to this location with have the links displayed on theuir business cards.

For LinkedIn handles, you would repeat the process as above, but on the employee page. this gives you the ability to either direct the LinkedIn link, to either your company page or the employees LinkedIn page.